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CGB Enterprises: Turnkey Provision Software Brings Automation and Analytics

CGB discusses remote implementation, rapid rollout, and outcomes using Corptax Provision

Brad Brechtel, CGB Enterprises Tax Director, and Meredith Kuss, CGB Corporate Tax Accountant, join CSC Corptax® Product Marketing Manager Kathleen Harrott for a short Q&A. A Corptax client since 2019, CGB discusses their experience implementing and using new provision technology.

Brad, what led to your decision to move away from Excel and bring in provision technology?

Brad: CGB is growing, and the tax department’s role is evolving as well. As Tax Director, I wanted to step back from the hands-on details of the annual close and expand my review and analytics role. We hired Meredith to independently implement and run with a turnkey software solution that eliminates inefficiencies.

What specific inefficiencies were you looking to correct?

Brad: There were a lot of slow, manual legacy processes that opened the door to human error. We also had numerous handmade calculations, and we populated and updated links in workpapers by hand. Our goal included accurate changes in all schedules without manual work and constant rechecks. Also, we knew there had to be a better way to calculate detail and blended state rates for current and deferred expense.

What led you to CSC Corptax?

Brad: The sales rep spoke to our specific needs as a privately-held company. The demo directly related tax automation to our process and showed us Corptax would be easy to use. We had an extremely aggressive timeline—Corptax Professional Services gave us confidence we could implement remotely during our close cycle and run parallel in Excel.

Meredith, what was your implementation and learning experience like?

Meredith: It was our first remote implementation, which was a smooth, hands-on experience. Jason Lobrutto and Ken Allayarov from the Professional Services team helped us set up according to our specs and walked us through all the options and scenarios for state and federal. I found the software logical and easy to use. For tax year 2018, we ran parallel in Excel and Corptax, and it tied out. We do provisions annually, so tax year 2019 was our first Corptax-only provision. When I jumped back into it, I was immediately productive because the interface truly is intuitive and easy.

Now that you’ve completed your first provision in Corptax, what benefits stand out?

Meredith: Where do I start? It’s such a quick calculation when I make a change – I literally press a button and see the outcome in seconds. I love the security of knowing everything automatically updates at once, from the trial balance to the footnote reports. I save incredible time not having to manually update schedules and spreadsheets – and I know everything is right.

I also automate adjustments and the import of state apportionment into Corptax from Excel. We’ve cut the number of workpapers in half. Now, hyperlinks take me straight to perm or temp adjustments—I don’t have to dig through spreadsheets and formulas to find answers. Corptax substantiates numbers for us as well – I no longer worry a change or error was missed.

Brad: To elaborate on the time savings – before, one M1 change would take us a minimum of 30-40 minutes to reconcile all the spreadsheets and confirm the change was reflected on all impacted reporting. Now, it’s a matter of seconds.

From a review standpoint, I get specific data and reports that help me analyze and plan—that wasn’t easy before. I compare current and deferred schedules at the same time. I review the provision with summary reports, and the audit trails give me any underlying detail I may need in one click. We have a lot more confidence in our data, and we have a good work-life balance, even in crunch-times.

As new users, how would you describe your support experience?

Meredith: I couldn’t have asked for better! I love the self-help aspect of quickly using the Knowledge Base for an immediate answer or clicking the Help button to watch a product video. If I do reach out, my support reps respond quickly—there’s no lag time. They share screens and guide me through a solution, and send follow-up documentation with the steps in writing, so I’m confident I can do it again. You never feel alone, and everyone cares a lot.

What’s next on your technology journey?

Brad: Using Corptax Provision is showing us all the things Corptax can do that we didn’t envision could be automated before.

Meredith: Yes, I look forward to more automation. With all the entities, adjustments, and accounts in the system, I know we can use all that data for returns and true-up.

About CGB Enterprises
An innovative leader in the grain and transportation industries since 1970, CGB Enterprises operates globally with over 2,500 employees overseeing a diverse family of businesses.

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About Kathleen Harrott

Kathleen Harrott has been with CSC Corptax® for more than a decade. Prior to Corptax, she spent more than 20 years in tax accounting and tax technology roles. As a Corptax Account Manager, Kathleen is the main point of contact for her clients, serving as an expert resource for information about new and existing Corptax products and services. She strives to develop long-term relationships with her clients and enjoys helping them stay current with the latest in tax automation.