Our jurisdiction deskbooks offer a comprehensive scope of business entity and Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) statutes. Valued features include legislative analyses exploring the effect of new amendments, the latest case notes interpreting the law, updated fee schedules, and online access to ready-to-fill state forms.
A missed statutory amendment or an overlooked case could impact your practice. Make sure you’re working with the latest statutes, cases, forms, and fees to counsel clients and complete transactions with confidence.
Delaware Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, Spring 2024

CSC® Publishing releases Delaware Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated—its flagship publication—twice a year to ensure practitioners are working with the most up-to-date statutory information and have access to the very latest case law. Unique features such as legislative analysis, a Table of Sections Affected, Table of New Annotations, Fee Schedule, and state forms provide additional resources and valuable insight for legal professionals working with Delaware entities.
The Spring 2024 Edition is current through Act Chapter 242 of the 152nd General Assembly, including 70 recently added or amended sections in Title 6 addressing commercial transactions involving emerging technologies such as virtual currencies, NFTs, and distributed ledger technologies. The Rules of the Court of Chancery have been updated through February 8, 2024.
The newest edition has added 40+ new case notes since the Fall 2023 edition, as well as six new full-text cases focusing on the latest legal developments concerning merger agreements, derivative actions, shareholder voting, advance notice bylaws, piercing the corporate veil, and compensation packages.

Alabama Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, 2024
Lawmakers in Alabama approved changes to more than 200 sections of the state’s laws governing business entities in 2023, adding or amending provisions regarding merger, conversion, and stockholder meetings, enacting Alabama’s Nonprofit Corporation Law, and approving a new chapter in the UCC regulating controllable electronic records.

Arizona Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, 2024
The latest edition features the full text of Title 10, Corporations and Associations from the Arizona Revised Statutes, updated through the 2023 legislative session—as well as related sections covering taxation and sale of securities, and selected chapters from the UCC regarding investment securities and secured transactions.

California Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, 2024
More than 90 sections of CA’s Corporations Code and related codes were added or amended during the 2023 legislative session, including laws regarding meetings, contracts, fictitious business names, ratification or validation of noncompliant corporate actions, and a new division in the UCC regulating transactions involving controllable electronic records.

Connecticut and Rhode Island Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, 2024
The 2023 legislative session of the CT General Assembly produced several important new statutes. The 2023 budget implementer, for example, includes amendments to the tax laws governing pass-through entities and the corporation business tax surcharge. It also establishes a new tax incentive for corporations with 100 or more full-time employees.

Indiana Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, 2024
Indiana’s legislature approved changes to more than 100 sections of the state’s laws governing business entities in 2023, including new provisions regarding assignees of limited liability companies (LLCs) and a new chapter in the UCC concerning controllable electronic records.

Missouri Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, 2024
This newest edition features the full text of Title 23—Corporations, Associations, and Partnerships from the MO Statutes, as well as related sections covering taxation, trademarks, securities and arbitration, and Articles, 1, 8, and 9 from the UCC. All statutory content is updated through the 102nd General Assembly Regular Session.

Pennsylvania Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated, 2024
This latest edition provides practitioners and their staff with the full text of Title 15—Corporations & Unincorporated Associations from the Pennsylvania Statutes, as well as related sections covering securities, taxation, arbitration, and fictitious names, and Articles 1, 8, and 9 of the UCC. The 2024 edition also captures more than 20 new case notes and five full-text cases.
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