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Jurisdictional Updates April 11, 2024

Utah – Legislation Effective May 1, 2024

House Bill 25 signed by the governor March 19 and effective May 1 modifies provisions related to electronic notarization of documents to be recorded electronically in county recorder offices. The bill text can be accessed here.

House Bill 58 signed by the governor March 13 and effective May 1 broadens the Division of Professional Licensing’s discretion to accept similar education or experience in satisfaction of standard licensing requirements.  The bill text can be accessed here.

House Bill 318 signed by the governor March 13 and effective May 1 makes changes to the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Act.  The bill text can be accessed here.

Senate Bill 14 signed by the governor March 13 and effective May 1 amends provisions related to administrative dissolution of a business entity, allowing applications for reinstatement under the entity’s original name if available and providing for retention of a business entity name for five years after dissolution.  The bill text can be accessed here.

House Bill 43 signed by the governor March 13 and effective May 1 amends existing laws related to charitable solicitations to add regulations and filing requirements for professional fundraisers and campaigns.  The bill text can be accessed here.

Senate Bill 47 signed by the governor March 19 and effective May 1 modifies provisions related to business licenses issued by a county or municipality.  The bill text can be accessed here.