The Secretary of State posted a news release regarding a change in annual list filing fees payable by all business entities and state business license fees payable by corporations effective July 1. Senate Bill 483 (Chapter 487) signed by the governor June 9 and effective July 1 is referred to as the Nevada Revenue Plan including a new commerce tax on Nevada gross revenue exceeding $4 million to fund the governor’s budget and reform education. Among other provisions, the bill increased annual list filing fees by $25.00 and the annual state business license fee for corporations from $200.00 to $500.00. The annual state business license fee payable by other entity types remains at $200.00. Any Annual or Initial List or State Business License application due by the end of August or earlier, received prior to July 1 will be assessed the pre-July fees. The fees for Annual or Initial Lists or State Business License applications, reinstatements and revivals received after July 1 will be calculated based on the new fees, even if for prior years. As of July 1, the State Business License will be referred to as the State Business Registration.
June 15, 2015