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Notice of amendment and waiver for bonds issued by Columbidae Properties Holding AB (publ)

26 March 2021

To the holders of the EUR, NOK and SEK senior secured callable pik interest bonds 2020/2023 with ISIN SE0014111357, SE0014111365, SE0014111373, SE0014111431, SE0014111449, NO0010877426, NO0010877434, NO0010877442, NO0010877459 and NO0010877467 issued by Columbidae Properties Holding AB (publ) (formerly Gemma Properties Holding AB (publ)) (the “Issuer”) on 19 March 2020 and 24 March 2020, respectively (the “Bonds”).

In accordance with an agreement dated 19 March 2020, certain intra-group loans have been pledged as security for inter alia the Issuer’s obligations under the Finance Documents, including the Issuer’s obligations under the Bonds (the “Pledge Agreement”).

In order to facilitate the administration of the Group operations, the Issuer has identified a need to adjust the intra-group loans as set out in the Appendix (Adjusted intra-group loans) the “Loan Adjustment”).

The Loan Adjustment is carried out strictly for administrative purposes and it is the Issuer’s assessment that the Loan Adjustment does not affect the value of the Transaction Security held by the Bondholders. The Loan Adjustment concerns security assets under the Pledge Agreement and is therefore subject of
the Trustee’s approval (the “Waiver”).

At the request of the Issuer, the Trustee has in accordance with paragraph (a) of Clause 19.1.1 of the Terms and Conditions agreed to the Waiver.

The Waiver will be effective as of today 26 March 2021.

Please see the full notice of waiver and amendment above.

For questions to the Trustee:

Beatrice Gustafsson
Phone: +46 70 141 10 82

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