9 January 2023
To the bondholders in senior secured bonds with ISIN NO 0010859317 and ISIN NO 0010865520 (NOK Bonds) and ISIN NO 0010859325 and ISIN NO 0010865538 (SEK Bonds) (the “Bonds”) issued by Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS (the “Issuer”) on 29 September 2017.
Intertrust (Norway) AS (The “Trustee”) is acting as Trustee on behalf of the Bondholders under the terms and conditions relating to the Bonds dated 29 September 2017 (the “Terms and Conditions”). Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meaning as in the Terms and Conditions.
The final report for Filago Tjøme AS has been submitted to the Norwegian District Court. Please find the enclosed. The Trustee is currently awaiting the final decision in order to close the respective estates Filago Tjøme AS, Filago Gran AS, Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS and Filago AS.
The Trustee will initiate the possible distribution after the final calculations has been performed by the bankruptcy administrator and the estates have been formally terminated by the District Court.
Sluttinnberetning for Filago Tjøme AS er innsendt til tingretten. Vennligst se vedlagte dokument. Tillitsmannen venter foreløpig på endelig sluttkjennelse slik at de respektive bo Filago Tjøme AS, Filago Gran AS, Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS og Filago AS kan anses endelig avsluttet.
Tillitsmannen vil starte utdeling til obligasjonseierne så snart beløp til utlodning er kalkulert av bostyrer og endelig sluttkjennelse foreligger.
For the Trustee:
Intertrust (Norway) AS
Andreas W. Hennyng