26 October 2022
To the holders of the Senior Secured Fixed Rate Bonds with ISIN: NOK BONDS: NO 001 0865504 and SEK BONDS: NO 001 0865470 (the “Bonds”) issued by Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS (the “Issuer”) on 29 September 2017.
Intertrust (Norway) AS is acting as Trustee on behalf of the Bondholders under the Terms and Conditions.
The bankruptcy proceedings are in it’s final stages for the estates Filago AS, Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS and Filago Gran AS. The final closing statements has been sent to the Norwegian District Court and can be found enclosed in the following:
In Filago Tjøme AS there will be a smaller dividend to it’s creditors. Intertrust is the largest creditor in the estate with a total claim of 148 MNOK of total 190 MNOK. The bankruptcy administrator has distributed it’s annual report, where he estimates that the bankruptcy proceedings can be terminated within 1-2 months.
Intertrust (Norway) AS opptrer som Tillitsmann på vegne av Obligasjonseierne under Obligasjonslånsavtalen.
Intertrust er blitt orientert om at man er i sluttfasen i konkursbehandlingen i Filago AS, Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS og Filago Gran AS. Vedlagt gjenfinnes sluttinnberetninger avsendt til tingretten:
I Filago Tjøme AS vil det bli mindre dividende til kreditorene. Intertrust er den klart største kreditoren i dette boet med et krav på ca. 148 MNOK av totalt ca. 190 MNOK. Bostyrer har avgitt sin årsberetning, hvor det estimeres at bobehandlingen kan innstilles innen 1-2 måneder.
For the Trustee:
Intertrust (Norway) AS
Andreas W. Hennyng