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Creating a more equitable future: D&I in the funds industry

7 April 2022

Barbara Martin

Head of Private Funds Sales, EMEA

Barbara Martin

Head of Private Funds Sales, EMEA

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Featured in Intertrust Group’s new report, The future private capital CFO: Unleashing potential in the ESG era, the research found that almost four in five (79%) of private capital CFOs globally consider gender equality to be a crucial or important consideration when assessing investment opportunities, while a similar amount (74%) are now calling for daily, weekly or live data insights into Diversity and Inclusion.

The data says ‘yes’, but are women in the industry actually noticing the changing dynamics? Barbara Martin, Intertrust Group’s Head of Private Fund Sales for EMEA joins the show to talk about the future of women in the funds industry and how investors’ asks for more data will continue to elevate women across the board.