4 December 2023
We refer to the second notice of written procedure issued by Columbidae Properties Holding AB (publ) (the “Issuer”) on 11 April 2023, as updated and redistributed on 26 April 2023, regarding certain requests in relation to the Euroclear Bonds and the VPS Bonds (jointly, the “Bonds”) (the “Second Notice of Written Procedure”).
In order to implement the Request (as defined and further described in the Second Notice of Written Procedure) the Issuer has taken, and intends to take, the following measures.
Please note that the above measures will be carried out automatically and holders are not required to take any measure to obtain the Convertibles in exchange for the Bonds. However, please note that for technical reasons and processing time with custodians, there may be a delay in the delivery of the Convertibles and a holder may not receive Convertibles immediately upon completion of the write-down and Bond to Convertible exchange on or around 14 December 2023 in respect of the Convertibles of series 2023:1 or on or around 15 December 2023 in respect of the Convertibles of series 2023:2.