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Bond News



T. Andréasson Fastighetsaktiebolag (publ) – Notice of second written procedure

25 Jul 2024

Gigasun AB (publ) – Notice of outcome in written procedure

19 Jul 2024

Moment Group AB (publ) – Notice of written procedure

15 Jul 2024

Koggbron Projekt AB (publ) – Notice of outcome in written procedure

08 Jul 2024

Recap Energy AB (publ) – Notice of outcome in written procedure

05 Jul 2024

CapRate Campus 4 AB – Notice of outcome in written procedure

04 Jul 2024

T. Andréasson Fastighetsaktiebolag (publ) – Notice of written procedure

01 Jul 2024

Fastighetsbolaget Emilshus AB (publ) – Unconditional notice of early redemption

25 Jun 2024

Gigasun AB (publ) – Notice of written procedure for extension of the original maturity of the Bonds

25 Jun 2024

Patriam Lilla Essingen AB (publ) – Notice of amortization

20 Jun 2024

Koggbron Projekt AB (publ) – Investor presentation

18 Jun 2024

Notice of second written procedure in bonds issued by Koggbron Projekt (Junior)

18 Jun 2024

Notice of second written procedure in bonds issued by Koggbron Projekt (Senior)

18 Jun 2024

Notice of Effective Date – YIT Corporation EUR 100,000,000 Senior Secured Greed Fixed Rate Notes due 2026, ISIN FI400049630

18 Jun 2024

Recap Energy AB (publ) – Notice of written procedure for extension of the original Final Maturity of the Bonds

14 Jun 2024

CapRate Campus 4 AB – Notice of written procedure regarding acceleration of the Bonds

13 Jun 2024

SAS AB (publ) – Notice of announcement, distribution and filing of a plan of reorganization

12 Jun 2024

Notice of outcome of a Written Procedure regarding YIT Corporation’s EUR 100,000,000 Senior Unsecured Green Fixed Rate Notes due 2026, with ISIN FI4000496302

10 Jun 2024

To the Noteholders of: YIT Corporation EUR 100,000,000, Senior Unsecured Green Fixed Rate Notes due 2026, ISIN CODE FI4000496302

03 Jun 2024

Notice of outcome in written procedure for bonds issued by Oskar Real Copenhagen ApS

30 May 2024

Koggbron Projekt AB (publ) – Investor presentation

28 May 2024

Notice of written procedure in bonds issued by Koggbron Projekt (Junior)

28 May 2024

Notice of written procedure in bonds issued by Koggbron Projekt (Senior)

28 May 2024

Svea Bank AB – Conditional notice of early redemption

24 May 2024

CPHI-Holding A/S – Notice of extension

22 May 2024

Koggbron Projekt AB (publ) – Notice of outcome in second written procedure and notice of continued event of default

20 May 2024

Notice of extension for bonds issued by Patriam Lilla Essingen AB (publ)

17 May 2024

Notice of outcome in the written procedure for bonds issued by SAS AB (publ)

13 May 2024

Investor presentation for the written procedure for bonds issued by Oskar Real Copenhagen ApS

03 May 2024

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