5 April 2018
Reference is made to Galliaden Holding AB (publ) (the “Issuer”) maximum SEK 750,000,000 senior secured fixed rate bonds 2014/2018 with ISIN SE0006027843 (the “Bonds”).
We hereby wish to inform you that the Issuer has given notice to the bondholders, of early redemption of the Bonds in accordance with this press release from the Issuer.
On the applicable Redemption Date, being 2 May 2018, the Issuer will redeem all of the outstanding Bonds in full together with accrued interest, with the Call Option Amount of 101% of the nominal amount of the bonds to the bondholders holding bonds on the applicable Record Date being 24 April 2018. The Bonds will in accordance with the regulations of Nasdaq Stockholm be de-listed from the corporate bond list two business days prior to the relevant Record Date i.e. on 20 April 2018.