30 July 2020
To the holders in the senior secured bonds with ISIN SE0010023770 (the “Bonds”) issued by CHR Bygga Bostäder Holding AB (publ) (the “Issuer”)
As previously accepted and authorised by the holders of the Bonds on 30 October 2019 in a written procedure, the Agent has voted in favour of the composition in the company reorganisation of the Issuer’s subsidiary CHR Bygga Bostäder Entreprenad AB. The composition has now been accepted by the district court of Stockholm and will gain legal force on 3 August 2020.
Once further information about the current process is available, it will be communicated by the Agent.
For further information, please contact:
Mia Fogelberg
Intertrust (Sweden) AB
Mail: trustee@intertrustgroup.com
Phone: +46 73 314 15 29