7 August 2018
ADDvise Group AB publ (“Addvise“) has amended a typographical error in the terms and conditions for the up to 240 000 000 SEK bond loan 2017/2022 with ISIN SE0010298166.
Under the definition “Interest Payment Date” on page 3 of the terms and conditions, 10 June was inserted as an interest payment date, which was an obvious typographical error and therefor has been amended to the correct date 10 July. The amendment has become effective as of 6 August 2018. Euroclear has already registered the correct interest payment date 10 July since the bond loan was issued.
The amendment is made in accordance with Clause 13.6 of the terms and conditions.
The updated terms and conditions can be downloaded here (in Swedish) and the notice of the amendment from ADDvise can be downloaded here.