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Notice of bondholders’ meeting in DDM Debt AB (publ)

6 November 2019

Notice of bondholders’ meeting (the “Meeting”) for the bondholders of up to EUR 150,000,000 senior secured floating rate bonds due 2022 (ISIN SE0012454940) (the “Bonds”) issued by the DDM Debt AB (publ) (the “Company”).

At the request of the Company, Intertrust (Sweden) AB (the “Agent“), acting in its capacity as agent for and on behalf of the Bondholders under the Terms and Conditions, hereby convenes the Bondholders to the Meeting for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing an extraordinary resolution pursuant to which the terms and conditions of the Bonds are amended as set out in the notice.

For further details of the Request and the background and rationale relating thereto, please see the full notice and cover letters which can be downloaded as per below.

The Meeting will take place at 9:00 (CET) on 3 December 2019 2019, at the offices of Roschier Attorneys at Brunkebergstorg 2, 103 90 Stockholm, Sweden. Registration will start at 8:30 (CET).

To be eligible to participate in the Meeting, a person must be registered on a securities account (Sw. avstämningskonto) with Euroclear Sweden AB as a direct registered owner (Sw. direktregistrerad ägare) or be registered as an authorised nominee (Sw. förvaltare) with respect to one or several Notes on 26 November 2019.

For further information, please contact:

Intertrust (Sweden) AB

Contact: Mia Fogelberg

Phone: +46 73 314 15 29


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