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Notice of early redemption in Heimstaden AB (publ)

21 January 2021

Reference is made to the terms and conditions for the up to SEK 1,250,000,000 senior unsecured floating rate notes with ISIN SE0009895055 (the “Notes”) issued by Heimstaden AB (publ) (“Heimstaden”) initially on 18 May 2017 (the “Terms and Conditions ”). All capitalised terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this notice shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Terms and Conditions.

Heimstaden hereby gives notice to all Noteholders of outstanding Notes of exercise of Heimstaden’s call option for voluntary early redemption of the Notes in full in accordance with Clause 9.3 (Voluntary total redemption (call option)) of the Terms and Conditions (the “Redemption”).

The Redemption Date is set to 16 February 2021 and the Record Date is consequently set to 9 February 2021, i.e. five (5) Business Days prior to the Redemption Date. The Redemption will be financed through the issue of new notes by Heimstaden.

As set out in Clause 9.3.2 of the Terms and Conditions, all outstanding Notes will be redeemed at 100.00 per cent. of the Nominal Amount (i.e. SEK 1,000,000 per Note). Any accrued and unpaid interest will also be paid in respect of the Notes in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. The redemption amount, together with accrued and unpaid interest up to and including the Redemption Date, will be paid to each person who is registered as owner of Notes in the debt register maintained by Euroclear Sweden at end of business on the Record Date.
In connection with the redemption, the Notes will be delisted from Nasdaq Stockholm.

Please also refer to the full notice of early redemption.

For further information, please contact the Issuer at:

Arve Regland, CFO, phone: +47 47 90 77 00, e-mail:
Adam Lindh, Head of Finance, phone: +46 708 83 96 74, e-mail:

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