2 April 2020
To the holders of the up to SEK 400,000,000 senior unsecured floating rate bonds with ISIN SE0010985978 (the “Bonds”) issued by Moment Group AB (publ) (the “Issuer”).
We refer to the Terms and Conditions and to the notice of initiation of a written procedure dated 24 March (the “Written Procedure“) pursuant to which the Issuer has asked for written consent to amendments to the Terms and Conditions to the effect that it will not be obliged to pay Interest in cash on the Interest Payment Dates falling on 31 March 2020, 30 June 2020 and 30 September 2020. Instead it is proposed that such Interest shall on the relevant Interest Date, be added to the Nominal Amount of each Note and thereafter for all purposes be treated as the Nominal Amount of such Note.
The Written Procedure has not yet been concluded and consequently – pending the resolution of the Written Procedure – the Issuer has informed the Agent that it has not made the payment of Interest due in respect of the Bonds on 31 March 2020. The Issuer has informed that the decision whether or not to pay Interest in cash will be made when the outcome of the Written Procedure is clear.
Considering the ongoing Written Procedure, the Agent has temporarily decided not to take any actions under the Terms and Conditions with regards to the non-payment of Interest while awaiting the outcome of the Written Procedure.
The full notice is available here and has been sent to all direct registered bondholders.
Addresses for queries
To the Issuer:
Moment Group AB (publ)
Josefin Dalum, CEO
josefin.dalum@momentgroup.com, +46 70 394 80 92
To the Agent:
Intertrust (Sweden) AB, Beatrice Gustafsson
trustee@intertrustgroup.com, +46 70 141 10 82