24 September 2021
Intertrust (Sweden) AB (the “Agent”) acting in its capacity as agent for the bondholders under the terms and conditions for the bonds with ISIN: SE0013888120, issued by Neptunia Invest AB (publ) (the “Issuer”) can conclude that, in the written procedure for which notice was given on 15th of September 2021 and last date to vote was 11th of October 2021, the Agent hereby announces the successful early completion of the written procedure in relation to the Bonds regarding the request to amend and restate the Terms and Conditions.
Please see the press release on the Issuers website for further details.
For further questions to the Issuer, regarding the request, please contact the Issuer at Gustav Niblaeus, CFO, gustav.niblaeus@neptuniainvest.se.
For further questions to the Agent, regarding the administration of the Written Procedure, please contact the Agent at trustee@intertrustgroup.com or +46 8 402 72 00.