3 July 2018
Reference is made to the SEK 2,000 million bond loan with ISIN SE0009723075 issued on 24 March 2017 by Bayport Management Ltd.
In accordance with the terms and conditions for the bond loan, at the request of Bayport Management Ltd, Intertrust (Sweden) AB acting in its capacity as agent for the bondholders has on 12 June 2018 initiated a procedure in writing, with the purpose of approving certain amendments to the Terms and Conditions for the bond loan.
The last day to participate in the voting procedure was at 17:00 CET on 2 July 2018. Sufficient numbers of votes were obtained to form quorum and the relevant majority requirements were fulfilled to approve the request to make certain amendments to the Terms and Conditions.
The resolutions passed at the bondholder’s meetings by way of procedure in writing are effective as of 2 July 2018. The resolutions are binding for all bondholders irrespective of whether they have participated in the procedures in writing.
The formal notice of the outcome has been sent by ordinary mail to direct registered bondholders and registered authorized nominees in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan.
The revised terms and conditions with the accepted amendments to the terms and conditions will be made available on the company’s website using this link. They are also made available at the agent’s website (www.intertrust.com) and directly here.
Please direct any questions that you may have:
In relation to the Agent:
Intertrust (Sweden) AB
Contact: Anna Litewka
Telephone: +46 8 402 72 11
Email: trustee@intertrustgroup.com
In relation to the bond merger implementation
Bayport Management Ltd
Contact: David Rajak, Capital Markets Executive
Telephone: +27 11 236 7300
Email: investor@bayportfinance.com