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Notice of outcome in the Second Written Procedure for Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS

23 October 2019

To the bondholders in senior secured bonds with ISIN NO 001 0865504 (NOK Bonds) and ISIN NO 001 0865470 (SEK Bonds) (the “Bonds”) issued by Filago Prosjekt Holding 1 AS (the “Issuer”) on 29 September 2019

The Trustee hereby announce the successful completion of the second written procedure for which notice was given on 4 October 2019 and the last date to vote was 22 October 2019.

Pursuant to the outcome of the second written procedure, the following bondholders were elected to participate in a Bondholders’ Committee:


Torild Gjesvik

Tom Henrik Sundby

Ove Carlström

Arne W. Eidshagen

Mette V. Alsos

Hans Dahlström

Tor Henriksen

Gylve Setlo


The full notice can be downloaded as per below.

 Notice of outcome in second written procedure


For further information, please contact:


Peter Drachmann

Intertrust (Norway) AS


Phone: +47 40 02 24 44

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