11 May 2023
To the holders of the EUR, NOK and SEK Senior Secured Callable PIK Interest Bonds 2020/2023 with ISIN SE0014111357 (EUR), NO0012876517 (NOK), NO0012876525 (NOK), NO0012876566 (NOK), NO0012876590 (SEK), SE0014111365 (SEK) and SE0014111373 (SEK) issued by Columbidae Properties Holding AB (publ) (the ”Issuer”) on 19 March 2020 (the ”Ordinary Bonds”) and with ISIN SE0014111431 (EUR), NO0012876608 (NOK) and SE0014111449 (SEK) issued by Columbidae Properties Holding AB (publ) on 24 March 2020 (the ”Premium Bonds” and jointly with the Ordinary Bonds, the ”Bonds”).
In the written procedure for which notice was given on 11 April 2023 and last date to vote was 11 May 2023, the agent hereby announces the successful completion of the written procedure in relation to the Bonds conversion of the Bonds into convertibles in accordance with the Request (as defined in the notice).
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Bonds, there is no quorum requirements in a second written procedure. The Request was accepted by 96.96 per cent of Ordinary bonds and 90.15 per cent of the Premium bonds, thus the Request has been approved.
The Issuer will disclose a time plan and estimated dates for the implementation of the new structure, including the full terms for the Convertibles and the Preference Shares, as soon as possible. Such disclosure will include the expected record date for the allocation of Convertibles.
Notice of outcome in written procedure – Columbidae May 11 2023