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Notice of second written procedure for Valerum AB (publ)

2 December 2020

Intertrust (Sweden) AB in its capacity as agent (the “Agent“) for the holders of the bonds (the “Bondholders”) in the senior secured bonds with ISIN SE0015192190 (the “Bonds“) issued by Valerum AB (publ) (the “Issuer“), and as requested by the Issuer, hereby initiates a second written procedure, whereby Bondholders can vote for or against the Issuer’s request to amend the terms and conditions of the Bonds.

The Issuer asks the Bondholders to approve a proposal from the Issuer regarding certain amendments to the terms and conditions the (“Request“). For further details of the Request and the background and rationale relating thereto, please see the full notice which can be downloaded as per below.

Notice of second written procedure – Valerum AB (publ)

No quorum requirement applies to this second written procedure in accordance with Clause 16(h) (Decisions by Bondholders) of the terms and conditions.

The Agent must have received the votes no later than by 12.00 (CET) on 30 December 2020.

For further information, please contact:

Intertrust (Sweden) AB
Contact: Mia Fogelberg
Phone: +46 73 314 15 29

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