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Notice of Written Procedure for senior secured bonds issued by Solnes Invest AS

17 October 2019

Intertrust (Norway) AS (the “Trustee”) acting in its capacity as trustee for the bondholders under the terms and conditions of the bonds, is hereby presenting information of an indicative offer (the “Indicative Offer”) and two proposals (the “Proposals”) to the Bondholders by the way of Written Procedure.

Pursuant to the Notice to Bondholders issued 4 October 2019, describing a bidding process for which potential buyers received the possibility to direct proposals to the Bondholders, the Trustee is hereby presenting information of one Indicative Offer and two Proposals.


The information of the Indicative Offer and the two Proposals is described in the Notice of Written Procedure which can be downloaded as per below.


Solnes Invest AS – Notice of Written Procedure


The Bondholders are hereby asked to consider the Indicative Offer and the Proposals, and vote in order to approve of one of the Proposals, and select to choose interest in proceeding with the Indicative Offer.

In order for one of the Proposals to be executed, Bondholders representing at least sixty-six and two thirds (66 2/3) per cent. of Ajusted Nominal Amount for which Bondholders reply in a Written Procedure, must approve of one of the Proposals.

If Bondholders representing at least ten (10) per cent of the Adjusted Nominal Amount are voting in order to choose interest for the Indicative Offer, a Bondholders Meeting will be arranged in order for the Indicative Offer to be elaborated. However, if one of the Proposals are accepted by the Bondholders, this will prevail, hence no Bondholders Meeting will be arranged.


The Trustee must have received the votes no later than by 12.00 (CET) on 15 Novemeber 2019.

 For further information, please contact:

Intertrust (Norway) AS

Contact: Peter Drachmann

Phone: +47 400 22 444


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